There will be a "Ride of Celebration" honoring Dr. Matthew Burke, Dr. Dan Dickinson, and Johnathan Tisdale, from Enterprise Mill (1450 Greene St) at 9:30am sharp. This road ride will be approximately 35 miles, with an average pace of 16-18mph. There will be a "No Drop" policy and all traffic laws will be followed. Helmets and a signed waiver are required by all riders. This ride is free, but Wheel Movement is asking for a $5 donation to cover the post ride lunch.
Following the ride, Wheel Movement will hold an open community meeting to outline the bicycle advocacy group's strategic plan. The organization will also launch its inaugural membership campaign.
Wheel Movement membership levels:
Student $12
Individual $20
Family $30
Basic sponsor $100
Phantasmagorical TBD
Make checks payable to: Wheel Movement of the CSRA, Inc.
Student $12
Individual $20
Family $30
Basic sponsor $100
Phantasmagorical TBD
Make checks payable to: Wheel Movement of the CSRA, Inc.
Please join us for this event and we look forward to having all of you as members. Together we can shape the future of cycling in the CSRA.