Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Georgia Bikes covers Wheel Movement Ride of Celebration

Check out the coverage of Wheel Movement's "Ride of Celebration" courtesy of Georgia Bikes. It was a great event, awesome turnout, and perfect weather. Check out the article here.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Wheel Movement Roll Out!

The time has come! After lots of planning, prioritizing, and strategizing the public unveiling of Wheel Movement is here. Please join us Saturday, December 3rd for this historical event. Here's the details...

There will be a "Ride of Celebration" honoring Dr. Matthew Burke, Dr. Dan Dickinson, and Johnathan Tisdale, from Enterprise Mill (1450 Greene St) at 9:30am sharp. This road ride will be approximately 35 miles, with an average pace of 16-18mph. There will be a "No Drop" policy and all traffic laws will be followed. Helmets and a signed waiver are required by all riders. This ride is free, but Wheel Movement is asking for a $5 donation to cover the post ride lunch.
Following the ride, Wheel Movement will hold an open community meeting to outline the bicycle advocacy group's strategic plan. The organization will also launch its inaugural membership campaign.

Wheel Movement membership levels:
Student $12
Individual $20
Family $30
Basic sponsor $100
Phantasmagorical TBD
Make checks payable to: Wheel Movement of the CSRA, Inc.

Please join us for this event and we look forward to having all of you as members. Together we can shape the future of cycling in the CSRA.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Take the ARTS Bike/Ped Survey by November 15

The web link for the ARTS (Augusta Regional Transportation Study) Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Survey will expire on November 15th.  It's very important that you fill out the survey and give your opinion on Bicycle and Pedestrian issues.  Here's the direct link to the survey:

Learn more about ARTS here:

Your time is greatly appreciated!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Your Opinion Counts, Two Surveys.

There are a couple of online surveys going around regarding bicycling/pedestrian planning. Please take a few moments and fill them out. It takes input to make positive changes, so please give your two cents!

1) The Lower Savannah Council of Governments (LSCOG) is completing a bicycle and pedestrian facilities study. LSCOG region consist of SC--Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell,
Calhoun, & Orangeburg Counties. The study will help the COG better understand local interest in bicycling and walking, and local needs for bicycle and pedestrian programs and infrastructure. The study will allow them to identify recommended corridors for bike/ped use, and identify potential funding sources.
LSCOG needs your feedback regarding current bike/ped need. Please take a few moments to fill out this short questionnaire. Even if you do not walk or bike regularly, your feedback will be helpful. The more responses they receive, the better they know how to plan for bike/ped needs in the future. Click here for the survey.

2) The Augusta Regional Transportation Study (ARTS) and Aiken County are developing both a regional and an Aiken County bicycle and pedestrian plan focused on improving bicycle and pedestrian accommodations in the area. The Plan will integrate bikeway and walkway improvements into the regional planning process, as well as increase travel options for cyclists and pedestrians, identify gaps in the network, improve connectivity of communities and activity centers, create safe routes to transit, and develop a framework for complete streets policies and standards. The Plan will offer recommendations for infrastructure improvements and education/ encouragement programs and policies. The Plans will serve as an update to the 2003 ARTS Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.
The ARTS area includes all of Augusta-Richmond County and portions of Columbia County in Georgia and parts of Aiken and Edgefield Counties in South Carolina. The ARTS area includes the Georgia cities of Augusta, Grovetown, Hephzibah, and Blythe; and South Carolina cities of Aiken, North Augusta, and Burnettown. In addition to the regional bicycle and pedestrian plan development, the process will include development of a plan focused specifically on walking and biking in Aiken County. Click here to fill out the survey for the ARTS Study.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

ARTS/Aiken County Bicycle and Pedestrian PUBLIC WORKSHOPS


The Augusta Regional Transportation Study (ARTS) and Aiken County are developing biking and walking routes focused on expanding the network of safe and inviting bicycle and pedestrian facilities - and the agencies want your help! You are encouraged to attend public workshops to provide your ideas!

Held in AIKEN
Monday, October 3 (5-7 pm)
City of Aiken Municipal Building
214 Park Avenue, SW, Aiken

Tuesday, October 4 (5-7 pm)
Julian Smith Casino, Lake Olmstead 2200
Broad Street, Augusta

Learn about and offer suggestions for bicycling and walking improvements (paths, sidewalks, wide outside lanes on roadways, among others) and programs such as education, safety and encouragement.

Can't make it? Visit www.BikeWalkARTS.com & click "Get Involved" to complete a short survey about biking and walking in the region!

The ARTS area includes: Augusta-Richmond County, part of Columbia County, part of Aiken and Edgefield Counties. The Georgia cities: Augusta, Blythe, Grovetown and Hephzibah. South Carolina cities: Aiken, Burnettown and North Augusta.

Questions? Visit www.BikeWalkARTS.com or call:

Marya Moultrie - 706-821-1796 (Augusta)
Gerald Butler - 803-642-1520 (Aiken)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bicycle & Pedestrian Count Volunteers

Although there was an excellent volunteer turnout at the last Volunteer Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Training Day, volunteers are still needed to cover all the count locations. Volunteers have the option to chose one week day on the September 13, 14, 15, or 20, 21, 22 between 7 am and 9 am, and one Saturday either September 10 or 17 between 10 am and Noon to complete the counts.

To make sure there are enough volunteers, another Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Training day will be held on the following date and location:

Location: USC-Aiken, Room 002 of the Business and Education Building

Date: Thursday, Sept. 8th at 4:00 pm

Contact Marya Moultrie with any questions at 706.821.1807

Your time and help is greatly appreciated!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Note from the Wheel Movement Steering Committee

Wheel Movement shares in the varying degrees of grief, frustration and fear that have been expressed by cyclists in the CSRA following recent tragedies involving cyclists and motorists. Our response to these incidents is to continue working to establish educational, advocacy and outreach initiatives aimed at creating positive interaction amongst all users on our shared roadways. We hope to reach out to you for your assistance in implementing these programs in the near future.

Until that time, the Wheel Movement Steering Committee would like to remind you that it does not condone or support cycling behavior or initiatives that disregard the law and/or have the potential to generate consternation or hostile behavior toward cyclists. Instead, we ask for your patience and attentiveness toward the rules of the road as we prepare a forum and outlet by which we may all work productively to create a positive cycling environment in metro-Augusta.

Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

ARTS Bicycle and Pedestrian Planners Need Volunteers

Now is your chance to help out Wheel Movement. We are looking for people to represent Wheel Movement and fulfill some volunteer positions. ARTS is analyzing 16 predetermined locations and needs people to count bicyclists and pedestrians at these locations. The ARTS Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update will consist of 2 days of counting. The weekday count will be held September 13,14,or 15 from 5 to 7. And there will also be a count held on Saturday September 10th from noon to 2. One key piece of info, all "counters" must attend training. Count training will be held at the North Augusta Community Center, at Buena Vista and Brookside Ave., from 1:30 to 2:30pm August 30th. Contact Marya Moultrie, Transportation Planner for Augusta-Richmond County Planning Commission, at 706-821-1807, or email mmoultrie at augustaga dot gov
Your help is greatly appreciated!

Monday, August 1, 2011

North Augusta Greeneway, Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan

ATTENTION! The North Augusta City Council will not consider the North Augusta Greeneway, Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan tonight (August 1st) as previously scheduled. Wheel Movement will make you aware as soon as we know when this item will be revisited. In the meantime, please keep an eye on the North Augusta city website for more information. City Council meetings are the first and third Monday of each month (and agendas are usually released online the Friday prior).

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

City of North Augusta Greeneway, Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan

The draft City of North Augusta Greeneway, Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (May, 2010) has been posted online. You may access the document at the city's website: http://northaugusta.net/Home/tabid/38/Default.aspx (Go to: "Online Services;" "Document Library;" "Planning and Economic Development.")

Tabled by North Augusta City Council at their July 18th meeting, the Plan is intended to serve as the city's principal policy document guiding the long-term development of a community-wide bicycle and pedestrian system. North Augusta City Council is scheduled to again consider Plan adoption at their August 1st meeting. Please contact the North Augusta City Clerk or Department of Planning and Economic Development for meeting times and location.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Georgia 3-Foot Passing Law & More!

It's official, the 3-foot passing law is in effect and here are some other major changes to HB101 for better bicycling in Georgia...

  • Motor vehicles must provide at least three feet of safe passing distance when overtaking a bicyclist
  • Cyclists may move to the center of the lane, i.e. take the lane, when surface obstructions, hazards or debris make traveling to the right unsafe
  • Cyclists must travel in the direction of traffic while using a designated bicycle lane*
  • Bicyclists have the right of way in a designated bicycle lane
  • Designated bicycle lanes must be built according to recognized national design standards
* While the new law only specifies that cyclists in bike lanes must travel in the same direction as traffic, bicycles, as vehicles, must abide by all normal vehicular laws. Wrong way travel in any traffic lane is unlawful and unsafe.
Courtesy of GeorgiaBikes.org

Here's an example of what 3 feet looks like.  Image courtesy of Bicycling Club of Milledgeville.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

North Augusta Greeneway, Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan

The North Augusta Planning Commission will consider issuing a recommendation to City Council on the draft North Augusta Greeneway, Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, this Thursday evening, May 26, 2011. City officials have been working with Alta Planning + Design since spring of 2010 to draft this important policy document which is intended to guide the City’s immediate and long-term investments in pedestrian and bicycle mobility throughout North Augusta.

What: North Augusta Greeneway, Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, Planning Commission Recommendation
When: Thursday, May 26, 7:00 p.m.
Where: North Augusta Planning Commission, City Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 100 Georgia Avenue (View agenda here:
http://northaugusta.net/OnlineServices/DocumentLibrary/tabid/157/Default.aspx; [Navigate to: "Planning & Econ. Dev.; Meeting Agendas; Planning Comm. Agendas; 2011"; See: "Regular Meeting 5-26-11.pdf”])

Following Planning Commission recommendation, the Plan is tentatively scheduled to be considered by North Augusta City Council for adoption in June.

Want a copy of the plan? Contact the North Augusta Department of Planning and Economic Development at (803) 441-4221.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Take the Wheel Movement Cycling Preferences Survey!

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Take a few minutes to participate in Wheel Movement’s cycling preferences survey. The survey is administered by the CSRA Regional Commission on behalf of Wheel Movement, should take 10-15 minutes to complete, and can be found at: http://www.csrardc.org/csra/planning/planning_transp.html. (CSRA's Planning/Transportation page. Look for the "biker" icon shown on this post.)

Your participation in the survey process between now and the end of June is crucial as the results will be used to help the Wheel Movement Steering Committee complete the organization’s mission statement and by-laws for your consideration later this summer.

We want Wheel Movement’s efforts to address your needs. Complete the survey, and pass it on to other friends and family who want a safe and enjoyable cycling environment throughout the metro area.

Whether commuter, racer, recreational or fitness rider - we ride together metro-Augusta!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Safe Streets Save Lives Campaign Launches in South Carolina!

Exciting news as the Palmetto Cycling Coalition and BikeLaw.com announce the launch of the Safe Streets Saves Lives (SSSL) campaign. The SSSL project is presented as, "...the first initiative of its kind that is working toward reducing the number of automobile/bicycle crashes and deaths on South Carolina roads." Learn more at: http://www.safestreetssavelives.org/index.php.

As efforts continue over the summer to "formalize" the Wheel Movement organization (See post below about May 21 community meeting), let Wheel Movement know via this blog or our Facebook page, your thoughts on partnering with the SSSL campaign to create a safer cycling environment in metro-Augusta.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

GHSU Bike to Work Day Wed. May 18th!

Join in on some group commutes to GHSU Wednesday, May 18th.

Rides leave from the following locations...

Top of Greeneway at 7am
Savannah Rapids Pavilion at 6:45am
Daniel Village at 7am

For full details Check out the GHSU Bike Work Day 2011 Fan Page.

You can also email rlambert@georgiahealth.edu for more details.

Celebrate Bike to Work Week all week long!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wheel Movement Community Meeting - May 21

If you would like to shape the future of local cycling and Wheel Movement, please join us Saturday, May 21 from 5 to 7pm in the Starch Room at Enterprise Mill (next to Fat Mans, right side).  This will be the very first community meeting and is the perfect opportunity to voice your concerns.  This meeting will aid in the development of Wheel Movement as we look forward to hearing everyone's input in the cycling community.  Refreshments will be served.
Please send RSVP to wheelmovement@yahoo.com

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

HB101 Passes State Legislature!

Georgia state legislature approved HB 101 which requires a minimum safe passing distance of 3 feet when overtaking cyclists.  This is another step in the direction of safer cycling in Georgia.  In addition to the safe passing language, HB101 also cleans up Georgia state code in regard to bicycling by legalizing the use of recumbent bicycles, further defining bike lanes, and updated equipment requirements.  Take action now to have Governor Deal sign this important measure into law!

Use the link below...


Friday, April 8, 2011

Another Step Towards Safer Cycling in GA!

From Executive Director, Brent Buice of Georgia Bikes...

House Bill 101, the "Better Bicycling Bill," successfully passed the House and then the Senate Public Safety Committee on Tuesday, March 22nd - the same day as our hugely successful Ride to the Capitol event!
HB 101 is currently under review by the Senate Rules Committee. The Senate has adjourned until April 11th, after which they will have three more days to review this bill.
Be sure to let your state Senator know you support this bill before the 11th! You can do so quickly and conveniently through the League of American Bicyclists online petition system. To send an email in support of HB 101, simply visit http://www.capwiz.com/lab/issues/alert/?alertid=40245526&type=TA

For the latest version of the bill, click here. For a summary of the changes made by the bill, please review our HB 101 white paper.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Wheel Movement Wants You!

Would you like to help with bicycle advocacy in the CSRA?  If so, Wheel Movement needs you!  Wheel Movement is in the process of assembling the troops to promote and support the local bicycle riding community.  Whether you ride Road, MTB, BMX, Cross, Cruiser, Recumbent, Tri, Commuter, or anything else in between, Wheel Movement wants you!  

Here's a list of Wheel Movement's objectives:
  • Secure 501 c3 non-profit status
  • Make drivers and cyclists aware of existing laws for sharing the road
  • Work with city planners to secure Bike Friendly City status for Augusta, GA
  • Develop and support a plan to promote bicycle commuting as a viable transportation alternative in the CSRA
  • Develop and promote rider clinics to teach cycling etiquette
  • Bike rodeos for kids and parents
  • Outreach to medical community
  • Be the voice of the entire cycling community
  • Work with other community groups with similar objectives
  • Host quarterly event for community
  • Provide local representation, for state and national bike advocacy groups
  • Attend "Ride to the Capitol" in Atlanta March 22, 2011
  • Strive to ensure that new road construction and road renovations are designed to accommodate bicycle traffic
  • Encourage local law enforcement to observe and enforce bicycle safety laws
So if you would like to help the cause be sure to follow this blog as more info regarding the first community meeting will be posted soon.  You can also send email to wheelmovement at yahoo dot com  or Find us on Facebook.